Friday, February 23, 2007

Notes from Friends

I got a note from a friend today. No special reason - just a note to say, "Hey, I'm thinking of you." Don't you love friends like that!? I do!


Lara said...

Hey you! Thanks for the info of Rachel and Leah. I didn't realize she used her hand maidens first. I forgot about it. I went home and read about Joseph too. And read all of Esther. The unich thing really came to life for me. LOL. I loved that movie so much that I rented it again and watched it as much as I could. = ) Yeah, Hannah is quite the charater these days. She remembers everything. Hey about the 4th and 5th. We could probably watch Daniel Monday. Would that work? We are probably going to the wedding. Let me know what you think. = )

Alida said...

Hey, I got to your blog. It's great! I'm just going to comment on everything here. First, something about Salem, everyone seems to have kids way too young. This so does not happen in So. California. There everyone is starting their families at 40. So I would've never thought of you as a grandmother. Everyone here is just having kids too young. O.k. I don't remember how old my kids were when they crawled, but they didn't walk until 16 months. Whew, was I getting worried.

Molly said...

Friends are treasures. I am so glad you are one of mine.

I am not much for surprises, but notes or phone calls from friends, just because, are the best. And I like to believe that is just another way that God loves on me. Through my friends.