Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Greased Lightning

I'm systomatic - I'm hydromatic - I'm Greased Lightning!!!!

I finally have high speed internet at home. I can actually post pictures to my blog from home (rather than from the office)! I am so excited. I don't know what to do first.

Here's Daniel in his brand new high chair. We planned to get some food this week and start him off on the "good stuff." Unfortunately, he got a pretty bad cold and has been caughing and very congested all week long. We put off the cereal until he's over it. For now, he just sits in the high chair and plays! (and looks adorable too)


Alida said...

He is adorable! I want to see a picture with cereal all over the cute face. Hope he is better soon.

momaof4 said...

I love the High Chair!! Good choice :) He is pretty cute too. Oh the messes he will make in his new chair!!

Molly said...

He is too cute and sweet. Sorry to hear that he has not been feeling well. Take care of your family, hope everyone is doing well.

Happy McNally Mom said...

I LOVE this stage where you start to put them in the high chair. It is so fun for them. They start to feel like they are so big. You his so perfect.