Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Check out Phillipians 4:8

Shout out to my husband's blog! Yes, he is blogging now. He has been a long-time reader of a few blogs that explore "end times" issues and theological questions. He's been only a "commenter" up to this point and decided to take the plunge. His motivations for blogging are different than mine but I enjoy reading about topics we have discussed together and seeing a broader explanation of his views and opinions. It may not be your cup of tea - OR - it may spark in you a side of yourself that has been laying dormant. Give it a peek. (You must know that I think he's brilliant but he can't be right about everything - comment away but keep in mind, this is the man I love.)


momaof4 said...

I will check it out for sure! Always good to get some deeper reads in now and again :)

Alida said...

Oh, I like it! He is going to give me a lot to think about and mull over.

You might want to warn him about me:) I promise I'll be nice. He chose you for his wife so already I like him.

Ona said...

That's great. Never in a million years could I get my husband to blog.