Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I can't sleep through the night (Daniel sleeps through just fine). I wake up and can not go back to sleep. HELP!!!! Any ideas?

My Mom, who always has an answer for these things and mostly a "doom and gloom" answer I might add, says I am heading into menopause. I need to go to the doctor and ask about hormones. I'm not ready to get old! Wait! No! Please!

I was watching an info-mercial about B12 (yes, in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep) and was very intrigued. Does anyone know anything about this B12 you order that dissolves under your tongue so that it goes directly into your bloodstream producing the greatest effect? It's supposed to provide you with more energy and a better night's rest.

I'm desparate. I need a full 7 hours. Eight would be nice but I'll take 7.


Alida said...

Angie, I haven't slept through an entire night (well, maybe just one or two) since I became pregnant. Once you get used to using the bathroom at 3:00 am...it sticks with you. Night feedings...same things. You crave a full night's sleep and then the first time your baby sleeps through the night...what do you? That's right, you get up to make sure he's o.k.

Exercise has always worked for me. Whether it's a workout, a brisk walk or heavy duty gardening...that night I'm gauranteed a good night sleep.

Anonymous said...

B-vitamins, I believe, are good for stress and a boost to your energy level. Hold on...while I look it up...

Yep, Vitamin B complex helps to promote a restful state. Vitamin B complex plus extra pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) is good for relieving stress.

Also, it says in my book that Calcium has a calming effect and that melatonin is a natural hormone that promotes sound sleep but use it only occasionally and do not give it to children.

My book also recommends eating bananas, dates, figs, milk, nut butter, tuna, turkey and whole grain crackers or yogurt in the evening. These foods are all high in tryptophan, which promotes sleep.

Avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine before bedtime. Angie, stop smoking that pack a day! J/K

I, personally, enjoy hot tea in the evenings to wind down, preferably with peppermint, it works to help relax me, also, burning essential oils like lavendar and...peppermint also help.

The other herbal remedy that Ben always liked was valerian root in capsule form. Super stinky but it does help!

I'll let you look at my book if you're interested in more...

Glory Laine said...

I got nothing for you. Maybe reading a text book. That worked for me in college.

Sharon said...

I'll just encouraging you by saying that you don't LOOK sleep deprived! : ) It was nice to see you today!

Hosmerita said...

My mom always told me to take Melatonin. It helped when I was younger a lot. Can't take it now because I am nursing.

Molly said...

I have always had trouble sleeping, so I don't know what to say if this has just recently begun to happen. Everyone's ideas are great. If you get a chance try talking with Debbie Bond. Her and I have talked about our sleeping issues and she has been trying something new, more natural and it was really helping her. I can't remember what it was she was using.

For me, I gave in after years and years of never having a good nights sleep I started taking medication. It makes a huge difference for me. But my doctor wanted me to try so many other "natural" things before we went to meds. Sigh...I'm not sure I am helping much.

Team Johnston said...

Exercise works for me. When Allyson & Thomas are in school I usually go for a run. That relieves any stress I might be having, and I usually will sleep really well. Or as Becca said read a book.
~Danielle :)

Christy said...

Angie-Baby; This is your big sis talking. RUN, do not walk to the book store and buy THE WISDOM OF MENOPAUSE by Dr. Christiane Northrup. This book is THE Bible for perimenopausal and menopausle women. You know I quit HRT last Sept. and I am still suffering and dealing w/ weight gain, insomnia, crying jags etc. Dr. Chris has been blessed with the wisdom we all need to embrace. Trust me, baby girl, I would do anything for your happiness and well-being. Love Always, your big sis Christy

Lion Heart said...

I suppose even if I could I wouldn't be able to sleep through out the entire night. Probably due to anticipation or worry. I anticipate that at any moment Paris may creep out of bed for that late night potty break, or that Asher will be wanting that mid-night snack. I worry about not getting Aidan to pre-school on time b/c I may miss my alarm clock and sleep in or if I have a ton of things to get done the next day i worry I won't have enough time to accomplish all my tasks and that is sure to keep me up all night contemplating how I will succeed in completeing my entire to-do list.
Do you have anxiety about anything? Usually when sleeplessness is something that occurs out of no where its due to built up anxiety about something. How about worry? Any stress minor or major?
I recommend exercize of some sort something that will tire out your body enough to stay rested through out the entire night. But if its a worry/stress/anxiety thing exercize may not work much. And unfortunatly I have no answer for that.