Thursday, September 27, 2007

Season of Change

I love the fall season. The changes that come - the leaves turn color, the air becomes crisp, the days get shorter, new classes start, new episodes come on TV, I usually move furniture or change something in the house, and I really feel like Christmas is coming soon! Usually, I love these changes and look forward to them.

This year is a bit different for me - for us. Jim and I have been discussing this idea for a few years now. We haven't been terribly unhappy or disappointed really - just feeling a need for a change. A change that we have never made accept when moving from one town to another. We have had restless hearts and sought the Lord for His guidance. We have longed for a ministry that we both could jump into with our whole hearts. We have longed for deeper walks with God and deeper friendships. We just didn't think God would lead us away from our current circumstances to find these things.

But He has - so we will follow. We are seeking out a new church in which to fellowship and hopefully minister in some way. It has been one of the most difficult changes in my life. I have dug my heels in and fought it all the way and yet I have a strong sense that we are doing the right thing. It's extremely uncomfortable -but right. I will cherish the years at Court Street but look forward to what God is doing. Daniel came home to us at Court Street and I will never forget the love of the body of Christ that we experienced!

Pray for us. Pray for perspective - it is not all about us, but God. Pray He'll guide us to just the right place. Pray for us to grow through this and hold tight to Jesus.


Anonymous said...

I read this post earlier, and I've since read it two more times.

I don't know what to say yet really. I'm just sad that you're going.

I'll say a prayer right now for you and Jim on your journey.

I'd love to talk to you more about your decision too. Perhaps we can get together soon?


Sharon said...

You know that Ben & I are sad to see you go, but so appreciative in how you've chosen to go about it. Your communication with Ben has been a blessing to us, along with your kind spirits and honesty. We know that this has been a hard decision for you, and it is a very personal one. Everyone has their own opinions on matters such as this, but when it comes down to it, it is a decision in which you need to follow the calling on your hearts. We are blessed to live in such a wonderful city that has so many churches that work for the same great God! I will pray that He will lead you to a place where you can commit to and do His work. We will feel the loss of your presence, but will continue to pray for you and love you.

Glory Laine said...

It's knowing that God is in control of our lives that it is easy to for me to say that I am happy that you two have seen clearly about this issue. I am so happy that MOPs will keep us in touch. I also want you to know like with all homes, you are always welcome back. Love you so much!!!!

Alida said...

Growing in any direction has it's share of growing pains. I know the CSCC will miss you. The strongest of friendship do survive changes, so I think you just be making new friends, but not losing any you made at CSCC. Best of luck in your new quest, I'll keep you in my prayers that you may follow His guidance and find peace in a new dwelling.

Julie said...

Angie~ I, too am sad that I won't be seeing your faces at church on Sunday mornings anymore... you and Jim, along with your sweet Daniel will always have a special place in my heart.

So glad we can keep in touch through our blogs!

Molly said...

My dear Angie, I have been out of touch with blog world lately. Tonight I am staying up way too late, but I just have to catch up.

I just want to say that I know this must be so hard for you and Jim. Change always is. Just because we walk in obdience doesn't mean it is easy.

Keep your eyes focused on Him. Don't let the world's thoughts patterns get you down. Do whatever it is that God is calling you to do.

We all love you and trust that even though you will be worshipping with another church body, you still belong to the family of God. Which means we get to keep in touch and someday will be together forever. Wow, that is someday to be looking forward to.

I miss you already, but that's my fault for moving away. I hope you, Jim and Daniel can head our way soon.

Your are an awesome daughter of the King and loved more than you can imagine. Don't you forget and don't you dare let the enemy get you down! You hear me?

Love and hugs to you my friend. We need to talk soon.

Lion Heart said...

I totally wish I would have read this back when it was posted. But I haven't had the time to catch up on all the blogs in a timely manner but i'm always determined to catch up. I'm saddened that I won't be seeing you as often now that you won't be at CSCC. I'm excited that God is calling you to new places. Its all about devine appointment God needs you somewhere for something to happen. Someday soon everything will fall into place and all this will make sense and bring peace. I love you Angie. hearing your testimony and seeing God bring daniels into your life was a touching experience one I will never forget. I'm glad i'll continue to see you at MOPS!