Monday, September 22, 2008

Making the Best of a Bad Situation


Lara said...

LOL! Angie, my son Josh would do the exact same thing. My Hannah on the other hand would screem her head off like she was being torchered or something. = )

Molly said...

That is so funny. Boy, Jim does have patient, doesn't he? Daniel is so handsome I wish I could give him a big hug right now.

Tiffany said...

I love how he's just hangin (no pun intended) out playing with his truck. "I'm gonna show you Daddy! You may have told me not to but I'm still having fun!"

momaof4 said...

Such a boy.
Nope I got it thanks!

I loved that you just let him figure it out!! :)

Alida said...


That was adorable. I thought of so many things as I watched this. Kids really just need their imagination to play with (and perhaps a small opening and a little truck.) and you've certainly have a spirited little guy on your hands. I loved how determined to do it himself he was. So cute!

Valerie of Momia said...

That was GREAT!! Thanks for sharing! :)