Wednesday, November 14, 2007


What is your Motto?
To know God and to make Him known.

What superhuman power would you most want to have?
Reshape my body - you know, get taller and thinner.

What makes you laugh?
My husband - he really is funny, I just tease him about his puns being stupid.

Cats or dogs?
Dogs most definitely.

Would you rather be a little smarter or sexier?
Sexier - I am plenty smart but seriously lacking in the other.

What's the one thing you'll never understand?
Stealing - it's not yours - don't take it!!!!!

My life would be simpler if?
I wasn't so lazy sometimes.

The big decision I'm currently wrestling with is...
Garage sale and Craig's List - OR - give it away (it's gotta go though)


Alida said...

What are you talking about, you are totally hot! (You know from friend to friend.)

Ona said... are gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

I'm a big Craigslist fan. Go for it and make some extra cash without the hassle of the garage sale.

I'm so glad you are coming to the blog night!!!

Their Giant said...

Give it away. It feels good :)

PS- I'm loving that no one has chosen smarter yet- what an awesome group of hot women!

momaof4 said...

Oh!! So much to remember, I love learning all these little bits about people! So fun.

AngieG said...

"Totally hot" is not a phrase any man has ever used to describe me but I will definitely settle for a girlfriend saying so - it almost means more! (almost)

Christy said...

Big Sis here...As we both know I was quite the "hard body" back in the day... very "boobyliscious"! LOL! I got so sick and tired of body comments and no notice of my brains! I hated when bosses and co-workers would say, "you're a lot smarter than you look" after they got to know me. If you have a hot body it is assumed you are stupid! Be happy with your body no matter how "thick" it gets or in my case and age-saggy! Brains pay the bills and earn the respect!

Lion Heart said...

i think your a beautiful person! i'm way excited to see you at blog night!

Angela said...

So fun to read this!

Tiffany said...


I came home tonight and the wee one is in bed so I decided to read some blogs of those I met tonight. I was looking at the photos in your "Little Monkey" post and have to say your little boy is beautiful! Love his costume too.

Hosmerita said...

By any chance in that list of stuff to give away or sell do you have any Avent Bottles?

AngieG said...

Hosmerita - no Avent but lots of Dr. Brown. Do you know anyone who needs Dr. Browns???

Hosmerita said...

How do they do with bubbles? I haven't tried those ones. Are they fast flow?