Thursday, April 10, 2008

No Special Reason

Just posting something new to show off my new layout! I got a little carried away this evening hunting down a new look. I liked the old new look except for the transparency of the post area. It made the pictures look funny.
Had a great dinner and movie time with a dear friend last night. She's on the edge of adulthood as she is graduating from college in just a few weeks. To be so young again and with the whole world at your feet.
We watched Dan In Real Life. I just love that movie. Anything that can make me laugh out loud and also cause me to tear up a bit - that's a movie worth watching. I felt like I was allowed to join a family for a weekend and catch up on all the siblings' lives and their children's lives. Great movie - I highly recommend it.
I'm reading a book right now called The Ragamuffin Gospel. It's about the grace of God and just how far it extends. So far, I'm OK with it. It's rubbing a little the wrong way at times - confronting some of my deep rooted ideas about just how grace is given and to whom and how easily. I didn't know I had any deep rooted ideas about this until they were confronted. It's a good thing to have your ideas challenged. Sometimes we have them and we don't even know how we got them or why they are what they are. I'll let you know how it all turns out in the end!
I have files all over the dining room table right now! We are trying to get a handle on our system and streamline things. Jim is good about saving things we need - I'm better at putting it somewhere where we can actually find it when needed. We are team! Like any good husband-wife project, it can be a challenge to always see eye-to-eye on how it should be done. We have had much bigger arguments over files and filing in past years. This time around - not so much. I guess that means our marriage is getting better?!?
Speaking of marriage - we are headed to our 19th anniversary. I know! Nineteen years!!! I can honestly say, I can't imagine a better husband for me. With all that life has thrown at us over the years, Jim has been the best friend, prayer partner, sympathizer, confidant, and counselor. I really love that guy!
Daniel - well honestly - he got on my nerves today. I can truthfully say that rarely happens. I am mostly enamored by everything he does and says. Today - not so much. He is really going to have to start using some words to make his requests known. Grunting, screaching and pointing are getting old. He's right at that point where he is going to just start talking but I would like to rush things a bit. He's still my little sweet pie and I love him.
He's crying! ? ! Not sure why - better go check.


momaof4 said...

I like the new look!

I have been dying to see that movie! Darren will not watch it, rolls his eyes. :( bummer.

Crazy when the kids you love get on your nerves! Your right don't rush it, before you know it he will be talking so much you'll wonder why you taught him ;)

Stephanie said...

Your new look is beautiful! Definitely worthy of this gorgeous weather we're going to have today and tomorrow.

It's hard when kids are in that in between stage of knowing what they want, but not knowing how to say it. Fairly frustrating for everyone! And then around 2 or 2 1/2 they start figuring it out, and life becomes a little bit easier.

Glory Laine said...

What a cute look. Mine needs help. I am hoping that "the daily ditch" can help me on my next visit.

Molly said...

Great new look. I miss you. I'm glad you got some girl time, we all need that. Lucky young lady who got to spend time with you. I wish it could have been me.
Daniel, give him a hug and a kiss from me. So sweet. He'll get those words down soon, but in the mean time it can be hard. Bless him.

Ona said...

Like it!!!
I hear ya about the grunting. Kaia is getting a bit better but she sure likes to whine for things.
Nineteen How exciting!

dori827 said...

At least you have a "look!" Maybe I'll blog in my next life.

Enjoy your difficulties with Daniel while you still have a bit of control. Getting 18 year olds to take a time out is a bit of a challenge!! :-)

Miss you SOOO much. Hugs to you, Jim and that sweet little guy!

Alida said...

Love the new look, it's just welcoming spring. I always think that when kids get a bit frustrating it's because they are about to make a leap.

Daniel will be talking in no time. He is such a bright little one.

Nineteen Years! Wohoo! Way to go you guys. Congratulations.

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